The Toomey family has a deep-rooted connection to viticulture with Andrew’s father also having a career in the industry. Andrew Toomey, a dedicated viticulturist with over 40 years of experience, has worked with various organizations before acquiring a block in Armstrong in 1998. He transformed this land into a vineyard, establishing the Miners Ridge site. In addition to managing his own vineyard, Andrew also provides viticulture contracting services to several smaller vineyards in the surrounding area.

After spending time in other viticulture areas of Australia, Andrew and Katrina purchased their property located on a northerly aspect of the Great Diving Range, south-east of Great Western. The site is ideal for growing quality grapes due to low frost risk, reliable water supply, good quality soils and a North-facing slope that is relatively sheltered.
The name Miners Ridge was derived by the surrounding rich alluvial gold diggings dating back to the 1850’s. Remnants of mining history can be found at the rear of the property and in the adjacent bushland.
Our average annual rainfall of 600ml usually falls in winter and spring leaving our summers dry and hot. Our vineyards are irrigated in the summer and autumn months to ensure premium grapes are produced each year. It also has access to the wastewater pipeline ensuring access to water all year round.
The soil on the vineyard is predominantly red clay loam which has good water holding capacity and is relatively free draining.
In addition to the continuous improvement of the existing vineyard, in 2013 Andrew and Katrina took over an established 12 hectare vineyard in the area. Between the two vineyards there are six varieties of wine grapes grown with Shiraz being the most prominent.
Miners Ridge also offers a viticulture contracting service within the local area. Andrew’s 30+ years of viticulture management has benefited many local growers with advice, vineyard management and machine operations.

Miners Ridge Vineyard is a certified member of Sustainable Winegrowing Australia.